Get started with Kadeck

Deploy Kadeck Teams for free for your team with up to 5 users or download Kadeck Desktop.

Install Docker
Run the following command to try Kadeck on your machine:
docker run -d -e xeotek_kadeck_free="<your_email_address>"
-e xeotek_kadeck_port=80 -p 80:80 --name kadeck
-v kadeck_data:/root/.kadeck/ xeotek/kadeck:5.3.0
Wait ~60 seconds for Kadeck to become available at http://localhost:80 and log in using admin as the username and password.
Deploy Kadeck Teams  for your team
Invite your team and work with Kadeck together on one platform.
Read our help center articles or start with our Helm chart to deploy Kadeck in your infrastructure or cloud.

Download Kadeck Desktop Free -  for use in private or commercial environments.


Want to work in a team?
Try Kadeck Teams to troubleshoot, monitor, share and organize with your team - free for teams of up to 5 users.